Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Time: Insist On It

Today was a heck of a day

Amazingly, it was filled with so much happiness that I hardly knew how to express myself.

It went beyond all the hard work (I seemed to just enjoy it). It surpassed my heartbreak when I found out that was crush is "in a relationship" (I happier off as friends). It drilled into somewhere special in my heart (I was singing and dancing; home alone).

I am so thrilled.

Today was divided equally between talking to friends, doing school work, figuring out a pipette, eating so de-lish food and dancing.

I got to be chemistry partners with Sue and Kay. I am sandwiched my loveliness.

The weather is amazing. I have rarely been so invigorated. I think I am going to love my summer here.

I think I have a place to stay in August through Graduation. No more apartment worries (fingers-crossed).

I am going home to see my freaking PUPPIES!!!

There is so much more but I have no idea how to express it. I just so pleased to be in this mood.

- Jeffrey

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