Sunday, June 14, 2009

We Are Not All Made To Love

*WARNING: this blog contains emotions*

Why does boredom do this to be?
The internet is my worse enemy.
Always ending up in the completely wrong place.
I hate how I think it is you who said "You are too needy".
           (I especially dislike that I know that it is true)
Books don't contain me enough anymore.
I am falling back into a regime of a routine.
Stupid red-speckled dots on my eyelids.
Spending way too much time waiting for something to happen
I hate how I can write what I need to do
            but still feel powerless to make the change.
What in my heart does not translate to my actions.
My behaviour feels inconsistent, random and deranged.
I want to be in love but I am afraid to feel.
Music sounds like noise to me;
            what happened to its sweet poetry?

I am okay but I feel like I ought to admit that I am not. Does that make sense to anyone but myself? I feel like I have a great life but I am failing to appreciate it. One minutes I am giddy, the next I feel strung out. I need human interaction but I am afraid to give up my precious free time.

I am sitting on the tricycle of life and I need a push.

Who still loves me?

1 comment:

sc said...

I love you! I do I do!
I know exactly how you feel. That's why I deleted facebook; because I ended up in the wrong place and it just hurt me way more than I should have been hurt. I am learning to live with it now, though, and I must say, it's getting a little easier. At least, I don't almost throw up every time I end up where I shouldn't be.
I know how you feel about music. It will come back to you though. Have faith in that.
Allow yourself to fall in love. Get hurt. Get back up again. It will put you where you need to be in order to find the right person for you.

[pushes your tricycle]