Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12th; All Mine - Always

Tonight I had a bit of an epiphany.

Under all these layers of disappointment and anxiety, the need to be loved and respected, and sorrow for the things that have occurred that can never be erased, Jeffrey Ethier is a compassionate kind young man.

I saw that I am not the giant f*** up I keep telling myself that I am. No one really cares if I don't have my drivers' license. People are not interested in if I haven't kissed a girl in all of my 21 years. I don't dance well but people don't judge me by that. I rather drink orange juice with only OJ in it, and that is all right!

Stuff happens and it pulls you down. I am freaking obsessed with getting good grade because I think it defines me. I grew up with a brother that I have always thought was on another plane of intelligence than I was. School is both my friend and my enemy. It is source of happiness, confusion, wonder, frustration and pain. It has a power to make me feel as light as air and to pull me deep into an abyss of suffering.

I sometimes hate that person I became. I had two chances at life and I messed up both times.

After a while, you just have to love yourself. In the end, all you have is your own opionion of who you are. If you hate that person, than that is a pretty sucky life. Therefore, in the spirit of self-preservation, you have to adore at least a part of your being. It is essential.

I have been to Hell and back. Not that I am bragging but it has changed my perspective. It showed me that I don't want to be dead. It revealed that happiness DOES come from within. I saw a glimpse of the good life and I am still chasing it.

I say this because I know some people are pretty mixed up right now. I just want to tell those lost souls that is all right not to know where you are going. I wish to encourage you to continue walking though. The only thing worse than going the wrong way and giving up the path entirely. I have been there. It is no fun.

Love yourself. Love each other. Take time to witness the beauty. Everything else falls in place eventually. Believe me.