Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21st; Careless - The Good Kind

Hell – I do not care. I have nothing to hide

I am feeling really good right now. I am sort of worried about Natural Resource Law exam. I am kind of concerned about next year in third year. Everyone makes it seem like torture. I am a bit preoccupied with this silly collection I have to do this summer. I am a tad upset the girl I like doesn’t get that I like her. Some parts of me are second guessing working at Humane Wildlife Control (you know, that job that I technically do not have yet).

However – like I said – I feeling really good right now.

I am one freaking exam away from coming home to Amber, Kira, Huck, Finn, Mishka, Winter and the fish too. I am one day away from returning to my family and friends. I am a couple sleeps away from reuniting with my home town. I could not be more pleased.

I am writing awesome words (I like them) which makes me really happy. I am getting those bottled emotions out. It is like my own personal drug. It is amazing. I can feel it rejuvenating my body. It has to be healthy!

I am also pretty worn out but it is that good kind of burn. It’s a dull pain that you know is worth it in the end. In that respect, it feels good. I know relief so within my reach.

I just thought I would share that

- Jeffrey

1 comment:

TelevisionBox said...

I can't wait til' you come home. I miss you!