Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2nd; I Have Felt Them All

Complete apathy --> Misery --> Fatigue --> Illness --> Confounding thoughts --> Guilt --> Relief --> Numbness.

These past few days I have felt them all.

I am in that place where I do not know what to do with myself. Recently I have been doing the silly thing of analyzing my relationships with people. I have made some conclusions which the results are less than satisfactory.

It all boils down to this: I need to make more time for my friends.

This summer is about three things:
a) Finding a job
b) Getting my G2
c) Being with my friends

Nothing must get in my way of accomplishing those things. There are some pretty amazing people in my life that deserve more attention. As well, I can admit, I miss them all so dearly. I feel like I am shooting myself in the foot if I let them slip away. They are my life-force. I need them to be happy.

Therefore, beware of Jeffrey. In the days to come he will be requesting to see you and then spend some time with you.

I hope you are all adequately prepared.

- Jeffrey

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