Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So Close I Can Feel It

Lately I have been okay with myself. This is a totally new feeling for me. I am so used to hating myself or at least a part of me.

Obviously, this is well held secret. It may even come as a surprise to you.

Hate is such a powerful word and I think I have misused it. I don't think I could ever hate myself. For accurately, for a long time, I have been very disappointed in my result life and my previous actions.

However, that does not appear to be the case this week. The last few days have been good to me.

Even if I am being blinded by some sort of happiness, I will take this self-love as is. I do not want to ruin it.

On the other hand, I am deeply worried about some of my friends. Quite a few seem to be going through a really hard part of their lives. The common factor in all of them are relationships. Friends and partners can be wonderful but they also have a habit of destroying you slowly.

It is painful to see relationships go down hill. Worse still to witness the aftermath.

The close of summer is so close that I can feel it. While for some they are dreading September, I am looking forward to it. I want this summer semester of college to be over. I want all those culminating tasks to be over with and to begin the hands-on stuff.

I can hardly believe it has been almost a year straight of college. I must be wacky.

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