Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What a Pity...

I have never been so upset for getting over 90%

A 96% but I know it is really a 80%. Stupid 90% accuracy rate. Why isn't an 80% enough?

I can do the test again. Why am I even worrying? What has happened to me.

I cannot believe that almost destroyed me. I cannot believe that was crumbling me apart.

I was rude, hostile, and unpleasant. My smile faded away and my limbs grew heavy. My stomach felt like it hated me. My ear began to ache my body felt tired. My head throbbed and my eyes were watery.

I practically cried.

I can see the stupidity in it all know; it was such nonsense. However, if something that small can affect me so much what happens when something really tragic happens? Will I be able to survive?

Feeling infinitely better. My confidence in myself has been renewed.

However, that was just a little bit too scary and know I do not know what to do.

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