Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10th; Hope Restored

I am so freaking happy right now.

I decided to go to the Fleming College open house and that turned out to be a fabulous choice. First of all, I love sharing my experience with people (especially potential Fish and Wildlife students). Second, it is always good to do two things at once so while I was gaining volunteer “brownie” points I was also working on my opossum hide.

After that was all said and done (9:30am to 2:15pm) I headed to the BioCommons to study my aquatic invertebrates. My classmate Lisa was also there and we got to talking. Apparently she was looking for a house to live in next year. Guess who has some vacancies at the house he is living in.

So Lisa and Megan popped by the house and basically fell in love with it. I was so happy when the words “I would love to live here” came out of their mouths.

There is some competition for the house but hopefully we can get what we want: Jeffrey, Megan, Lisa and Emma (Lisa’s current roommate) to live at 43 Bond St. The young women that was also looking at the house seemed nice enough and I would not mind her living her as well but if it interferes with my friends getting in, then I might be vicious.

As a pit of pre-celebration, Beth (another friend) came to see the house and then Beth, Lisa and Megan and I went to Peterborough for some sushi. Never really had it before – absolutely love it now. I will definitely going to have to go out for sushi again. The raymen noodles that I ordered were pretty darn tasty as well.

So few times I have truly good news like this. I feel like I am on cloud nine. If only, my wishes came true. I would be a very happy Jeffrey come September time. It would effectively wipe away my school concerns. I can feel it now…

Ah! I love this feeling!

- Jeffrey

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